calls); $this->writeCall(array('list_close',array(), $last_call[2])); $this->process(); $this->callWriter->finalise(); unset($this->callWriter); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function process() { foreach ($this->calls as $call) { switch ($call[0]) { case 'list_item': $this->listOpen($call); break; case 'list_open': $this->listStart($call); break; case 'list_close': $this->listEnd($call); break; default: $this->listContent($call); break; } } $this->callWriter->writeCalls($this->listCalls); return $this->callWriter; } protected function listStart($call) { $depth = $this->interpretSyntax($call[1][0], $listType); $this->initialDepth = $depth; // array(list type, current depth, index of current listitem_open) $this->listStack[] = array($listType, $depth, 1); $this->listCalls[] = array('list'.$listType.'_open',array(),$call[2]); $this->listCalls[] = array('listitem_open',array(1),$call[2]); $this->listCalls[] = array('listcontent_open',array(),$call[2]); } protected function listEnd($call) { $closeContent = true; while ($list = array_pop($this->listStack)) { if ($closeContent) { $this->listCalls[] = array('listcontent_close',array(),$call[2]); $closeContent = false; } $this->listCalls[] = array('listitem_close',array(),$call[2]); $this->listCalls[] = array('list'.$list[0].'_close', array(), $call[2]); } } protected function listOpen($call) { $depth = $this->interpretSyntax($call[1][0], $listType); $end = end($this->listStack); $key = key($this->listStack); // Not allowed to be shallower than initialDepth if ($depth < $this->initialDepth) { $depth = $this->initialDepth; } if ($depth == $end[1]) { // Just another item in the list... if ($listType == $end[0]) { $this->listCalls[] = array('listcontent_close',array(),$call[2]); $this->listCalls[] = array('listitem_close',array(),$call[2]); $this->listCalls[] = array('listitem_open',array($depth-1),$call[2]); $this->listCalls[] = array('listcontent_open',array(),$call[2]); // new list item, update list stack's index into current listitem_open $this->listStack[$key][2] = count($this->listCalls) - 2; // Switched list type... } else { $this->listCalls[] = array('listcontent_close',array(),$call[2]); $this->listCalls[] = array('listitem_close',array(),$call[2]); $this->listCalls[] = array('list'.$end[0].'_close', array(), $call[2]); $this->listCalls[] = array('list'.$listType.'_open', array(), $call[2]); $this->listCalls[] = array('listitem_open', array($depth-1), $call[2]); $this->listCalls[] = array('listcontent_open',array(),$call[2]); array_pop($this->listStack); $this->listStack[] = array($listType, $depth, count($this->listCalls) - 2); } } elseif ($depth > $end[1]) { // Getting deeper... $this->listCalls[] = array('listcontent_close',array(),$call[2]); $this->listCalls[] = array('list'.$listType.'_open', array(), $call[2]); $this->listCalls[] = array('listitem_open', array($depth-1), $call[2]); $this->listCalls[] = array('listcontent_open',array(),$call[2]); // set the node/leaf state of this item's parent listitem_open to NODE $this->listCalls[$this->listStack[$key][2]][1][1] = self::NODE; $this->listStack[] = array($listType, $depth, count($this->listCalls) - 2); } else { // Getting shallower ( $depth < $end[1] ) $this->listCalls[] = array('listcontent_close',array(),$call[2]); $this->listCalls[] = array('listitem_close',array(),$call[2]); $this->listCalls[] = array('list'.$end[0].'_close',array(),$call[2]); // Throw away the end - done array_pop($this->listStack); while (1) { $end = end($this->listStack); $key = key($this->listStack); if ($end[1] <= $depth) { // Normalize depths $depth = $end[1]; $this->listCalls[] = array('listitem_close',array(),$call[2]); if ($end[0] == $listType) { $this->listCalls[] = array('listitem_open',array($depth-1),$call[2]); $this->listCalls[] = array('listcontent_open',array(),$call[2]); // new list item, update list stack's index into current listitem_open $this->listStack[$key][2] = count($this->listCalls) - 2; } else { // Switching list type... $this->listCalls[] = array('list'.$end[0].'_close', array(), $call[2]); $this->listCalls[] = array('list'.$listType.'_open', array(), $call[2]); $this->listCalls[] = array('listitem_open', array($depth-1), $call[2]); $this->listCalls[] = array('listcontent_open',array(),$call[2]); array_pop($this->listStack); $this->listStack[] = array($listType, $depth, count($this->listCalls) - 2); } break; // Haven't dropped down far enough yet.... ( $end[1] > $depth ) } else { $this->listCalls[] = array('listitem_close',array(),$call[2]); $this->listCalls[] = array('list'.$end[0].'_close',array(),$call[2]); array_pop($this->listStack); } } } } protected function listContent($call) { $this->listCalls[] = $call; } protected function interpretSyntax($match, & $type) { if (substr($match, -1) == '*') { $type = 'u'; } else { $type = 'o'; } // Is the +1 needed? It used to be count(explode(...)) // but I don't think the number is seen outside this handler return substr_count(str_replace("\t", ' ', $match), ' ') + 1; } }