case = $case; $this->regexes = array(); $this->handler = $handler; $this->modeStack = new StateStack($start); $this->mode_handlers = array(); } /** * Adds a token search pattern for a particular parsing mode. * * The pattern does not change the current mode. * * @param string $pattern Perl style regex, but ( and ) * lose the usual meaning. * @param string $mode Should only apply this * pattern when dealing with * this type of input. */ public function addPattern($pattern, $mode = "accept") { if (! isset($this->regexes[$mode])) { $this->regexes[$mode] = new ParallelRegex($this->case); } $this->regexes[$mode]->addPattern($pattern); } /** * Adds a pattern that will enter a new parsing mode. * * Useful for entering parenthesis, strings, tags, etc. * * @param string $pattern Perl style regex, but ( and ) lose the usual meaning. * @param string $mode Should only apply this pattern when dealing with this type of input. * @param string $new_mode Change parsing to this new nested mode. */ public function addEntryPattern($pattern, $mode, $new_mode) { if (! isset($this->regexes[$mode])) { $this->regexes[$mode] = new ParallelRegex($this->case); } $this->regexes[$mode]->addPattern($pattern, $new_mode); } /** * Adds a pattern that will exit the current mode and re-enter the previous one. * * @param string $pattern Perl style regex, but ( and ) lose the usual meaning. * @param string $mode Mode to leave. */ public function addExitPattern($pattern, $mode) { if (! isset($this->regexes[$mode])) { $this->regexes[$mode] = new ParallelRegex($this->case); } $this->regexes[$mode]->addPattern($pattern, "__exit"); } /** * Adds a pattern that has a special mode. * * Acts as an entry and exit pattern in one go, effectively calling a special * parser handler for this token only. * * @param string $pattern Perl style regex, but ( and ) lose the usual meaning. * @param string $mode Should only apply this pattern when dealing with this type of input. * @param string $special Use this mode for this one token. */ public function addSpecialPattern($pattern, $mode, $special) { if (! isset($this->regexes[$mode])) { $this->regexes[$mode] = new ParallelRegex($this->case); } $this->regexes[$mode]->addPattern($pattern, "_$special"); } /** * Adds a mapping from a mode to another handler. * * @param string $mode Mode to be remapped. * @param string $handler New target handler. */ public function mapHandler($mode, $handler) { $this->mode_handlers[$mode] = $handler; } /** * Splits the page text into tokens. * * Will fail if the handlers report an error or if no content is consumed. If successful then each * unparsed and parsed token invokes a call to the held listener. * * @param string $raw Raw HTML text. * @return boolean True on success, else false. */ public function parse($raw) { if (! isset($this->handler)) { return false; } $initialLength = strlen($raw); $length = $initialLength; $pos = 0; while (is_array($parsed = $this->reduce($raw))) { list($unmatched, $matched, $mode) = $parsed; $currentLength = strlen($raw); $matchPos = $initialLength - $currentLength - strlen($matched); if (! $this->dispatchTokens($unmatched, $matched, $mode, $pos, $matchPos)) { return false; } if ($currentLength == $length) { return false; } $length = $currentLength; $pos = $initialLength - $currentLength; } if (!$parsed) { return false; } return $this->invokeHandler($raw, DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED, $pos); } /** * Gives plugins access to the mode stack * * @return StateStack */ public function getModeStack() { return $this->modeStack; } /** * Sends the matched token and any leading unmatched * text to the parser changing the lexer to a new * mode if one is listed. * * @param string $unmatched Unmatched leading portion. * @param string $matched Actual token match. * @param bool|string $mode Mode after match. A boolean false mode causes no change. * @param int $initialPos * @param int $matchPos Current byte index location in raw doc thats being parsed * @return boolean False if there was any error from the parser. */ protected function dispatchTokens($unmatched, $matched, $mode, $initialPos, $matchPos) { if (! $this->invokeHandler($unmatched, DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED, $initialPos)) { return false; } if ($this->isModeEnd($mode)) { if (! $this->invokeHandler($matched, DOKU_LEXER_EXIT, $matchPos)) { return false; } return $this->modeStack->leave(); } if ($this->isSpecialMode($mode)) { $this->modeStack->enter($this->decodeSpecial($mode)); if (! $this->invokeHandler($matched, DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL, $matchPos)) { return false; } return $this->modeStack->leave(); } if (is_string($mode)) { $this->modeStack->enter($mode); return $this->invokeHandler($matched, DOKU_LEXER_ENTER, $matchPos); } return $this->invokeHandler($matched, DOKU_LEXER_MATCHED, $matchPos); } /** * Tests to see if the new mode is actually to leave the current mode and pop an item from the matching * mode stack. * * @param string $mode Mode to test. * @return boolean True if this is the exit mode. */ protected function isModeEnd($mode) { return ($mode === "__exit"); } /** * Test to see if the mode is one where this mode is entered for this token only and automatically * leaves immediately afterwoods. * * @param string $mode Mode to test. * @return boolean True if this is the exit mode. */ protected function isSpecialMode($mode) { return (strncmp($mode, "_", 1) == 0); } /** * Strips the magic underscore marking single token modes. * * @param string $mode Mode to decode. * @return string Underlying mode name. */ protected function decodeSpecial($mode) { return substr($mode, 1); } /** * Calls the parser method named after the current mode. * * Empty content will be ignored. The lexer has a parser handler for each mode in the lexer. * * @param string $content Text parsed. * @param boolean $is_match Token is recognised rather * than unparsed data. * @param int $pos Current byte index location in raw doc * thats being parsed * @return bool */ protected function invokeHandler($content, $is_match, $pos) { if (($content === "") || ($content === false)) { return true; } $handler = $this->modeStack->getCurrent(); if (isset($this->mode_handlers[$handler])) { $handler = $this->mode_handlers[$handler]; } // modes starting with plugin_ are all handled by the same // handler but with an additional parameter if (substr($handler, 0, 7)=='plugin_') { list($handler,$plugin) = explode('_', $handler, 2); return $this->handler->$handler($content, $is_match, $pos, $plugin); } return $this->handler->$handler($content, $is_match, $pos); } /** * Tries to match a chunk of text and if successful removes the recognised chunk and any leading * unparsed data. Empty strings will not be matched. * * @param string $raw The subject to parse. This is the content that will be eaten. * @return array|bool Three item list of unparsed content followed by the * recognised token and finally the action the parser is to take. * True if no match, false if there is a parsing error. */ protected function reduce(&$raw) { if (! isset($this->regexes[$this->modeStack->getCurrent()])) { return false; } if ($raw === "") { return true; } if ($action = $this->regexes[$this->modeStack->getCurrent()]->split($raw, $split)) { list($unparsed, $match, $raw) = $split; return array($unparsed, $match, $action); } return true; } /** * Escapes regex characters other than (, ) and / * * @param string $str * @return string */ public static function escape($str) { $chars = array( '/\\\\/', '/\./', '/\+/', '/\*/', '/\?/', '/\[/', '/\^/', '/\]/', '/\$/', '/\{/', '/\}/', '/\=/', '/\!/', '/\/', '/\|/', '/\:/' ); $escaped = array( '\\\\\\\\', '\.', '\+', '\*', '\?', '\[', '\^', '\]', '\$', '\{', '\}', '\=', '\!', '\<', '\>', '\|', '\:' ); return preg_replace($chars, $escaped, $str); } }