'olddir' => 'attic',
'mediadir' => 'media',
'mediaolddir' => 'media_attic',
'metadir' => 'meta',
'mediametadir' => 'media_meta',
'cachedir' => 'cache',
'indexdir' => 'index',
'lockdir' => 'locks',
'tmpdir' => 'tmp');
foreach($paths as $c => $p) {
$path = empty($conf[$c]) ? $conf['savedir'].'/'.$p : $conf[$c];
$conf[$c] = init_path($path);
nice_die("The $c ('$p') at $path is not found, isn't accessible or writable.
You should check your config and permission settings.
Or maybe you want to run the
// path to old changelog only needed for upgrading
$conf['changelog_old'] = init_path(
(isset($conf['changelog'])) ? ($conf['changelog']) : ($conf['savedir'] . '/changes.log')
if ($conf['changelog_old']=='') { unset($conf['changelog_old']); }
// hardcoded changelog because it is now a cache that lives in meta
$conf['changelog'] = $conf['metadir'].'/_dokuwiki.changes';
$conf['media_changelog'] = $conf['metadir'].'/_media.changes';
* Load the language strings
* @param string $langCode language code, as passed by event handler
function init_lang($langCode) {
//prepare language array
global $lang, $config_cascade;
$lang = array();
//load the language files
foreach ($config_cascade['lang']['core'] as $config_file) {
if (file_exists($config_file . 'en/lang.php')) {
include($config_file . 'en/lang.php');
if ($langCode && $langCode != 'en') {
if (file_exists(DOKU_INC."inc/lang/$langCode/lang.php")) {
foreach ($config_cascade['lang']['core'] as $config_file) {
if (file_exists($config_file . "$langCode/lang.php")) {
include($config_file . "$langCode/lang.php");
* Checks the existence of certain files and creates them if missing.
function init_files(){
global $conf;
$files = array($conf['indexdir'].'/page.idx');
foreach($files as $file){
$fh = @fopen($file,'a');
if($conf['fperm']) chmod($file, $conf['fperm']);
nice_die("$file is not writable. Check your permissions settings!");
* Returns absolute path
* This tries the given path first, then checks in DOKU_INC.
* Check for accessibility on directories as well.
* @author Andreas Gohr
* @param string $path
* @return bool|string
function init_path($path){
// check existence
$p = fullpath($path);
$p = fullpath(DOKU_INC.$path);
return '';
// check writability
return '';
// check accessability (execute bit) for directories
if(@is_dir($p) && !file_exists("$p/.")){
return '';
return $p;
* Sets the internal config values fperm and dperm which, when set,
* will be used to change the permission of a newly created dir or
* file with chmod. Considers the influence of the system's umask
* setting the values only if needed.
function init_creationmodes(){
global $conf;
// Legacy support for old umask/dmask scheme
// get system umask, fallback to 0 if none available
$umask = @umask();
if(!$umask) $umask = 0000;
// check what is set automatically by the system on file creation
// and set the fperm param if it's not what we want
$auto_fmode = $conf['fmode'] & ~$umask;
if($auto_fmode != $conf['fmode']) $conf['fperm'] = $conf['fmode'];
// check what is set automatically by the system on file creation
// and set the dperm param if it's not what we want
$auto_dmode = $conf['dmode'] & ~$umask;
if($auto_dmode != $conf['dmode']) $conf['dperm'] = $conf['dmode'];
* Returns the full absolute URL to the directory where
* DokuWiki is installed in (includes a trailing slash)
* !! Can not access $_SERVER values through $INPUT
* !! here as this function is called before $INPUT is
* !! initialized.
* @author Andreas Gohr
* @param null|string $abs
* @return string
function getBaseURL($abs=null){
global $conf;
//if canonical url enabled always return absolute
if(is_null($abs)) $abs = $conf['canonical'];
$dir = $conf['basedir'];
}elseif(substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],-4) == '.php'){
$dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
}elseif(substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],-4) == '.php'){
$dir = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
$dir = preg_replace ('/^'.preg_quote($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],'/').'/','',
$dir = dirname('/'.$dir);
$dir = '.'; //probably wrong
$dir = str_replace('\\','/',$dir); // bugfix for weird WIN behaviour
$dir = preg_replace('#//+#','/',"/$dir/"); // ensure leading and trailing slashes
//handle script in lib/exe dir
$dir = preg_replace('!lib/exe/$!','',$dir);
//handle script in lib/plugins dir
$dir = preg_replace('!lib/plugins/.*$!','',$dir);
//finish here for relative URLs
if(!$abs) return $dir;
//use config if available, trim any slash from end of baseurl to avoid multiple consecutive slashes in the path
if(!empty($conf['baseurl'])) return rtrim($conf['baseurl'],'/').$dir;
//split hostheader into host and port
$parsed_host = parse_url('http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
$host = isset($parsed_host['host']) ? $parsed_host['host'] : null;
$port = isset($parsed_host['port']) ? $parsed_host['port'] : null;
$parsed_host = parse_url('http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
$host = isset($parsed_host['host']) ? $parsed_host['host'] : null;
$port = isset($parsed_host['port']) ? $parsed_host['port'] : null;
$host = php_uname('n');
$port = '';
$port = '';
$proto = 'http://';
if ($port == '80') {
$port = '';
$proto = 'https://';
if ($port == '443') {
$port = '';
if($port !== '') $port = ':'.$port;
return $proto.$host.$port.$dir;
* Check if accessed via HTTPS
* Apache leaves ,$_SERVER['HTTPS'] empty when not available, IIS sets it to 'off'.
* 'false' and 'disabled' are just guessing
* @returns bool true when SSL is active
function is_ssl() {
// check if we are behind a reverse proxy
if($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https') {
return true;
} else {
return false;
if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ||
preg_match('/^(|off|false|disabled)$/i', $_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* checks it is windows OS
* @return bool
function isWindows() {
return (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') ? true : false;
* print a nice message even if no styles are loaded yet.
* @param integer|string $msg
function nice_die($msg){
DokuWiki Setup Error
DokuWiki Setup Error
if(defined('DOKU_UNITTEST')) {
throw new RuntimeException('nice_die: '.$msg);
* A realpath() replacement
* This function behaves similar to PHP's realpath() but does not resolve
* symlinks or accesses upper directories
* @author Andreas Gohr
* @author
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/function.realpath.php#75992
* @param string $path
* @param bool $exists
* @return bool|string
function fullpath($path,$exists=false){
static $run = 0;
$root = '';
$iswin = (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN' || !empty($GLOBALS['DOKU_UNITTEST_ASSUME_WINDOWS']));
// find the (indestructable) root of the path - keeps windows stuff intact
if($path[0] == '/'){
$root = '/';
// match drive letter and UNC paths
$root = $match[1].'/';
$path = $match[2];
}else if(preg_match('!^(\\\\\\\\[^\\\\/]+\\\\[^\\\\/]+[\\\\/])(.*)!',$path,$match)){
$root = $match[1];
$path = $match[2];
$path = str_replace('\\','/',$path);
// if the given path wasn't absolute already, prepend the script path and retry
$base = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
$path = $base.'/'.$path;
if($run == 0){ // avoid endless recursion when base isn't absolute for some reason
return fullpath($path,$exists);
$run = 0;
// canonicalize
$path=explode('/', $path);
foreach($path as $p) {
if ($p === '' || $p === '.') continue;
if ($p==='..') {
array_push($newpath, $p);
$finalpath = $root.implode('/', $newpath);
// check for existence when needed (except when unit testing)
if($exists && !defined('DOKU_UNITTEST') && !file_exists($finalpath)) {
return false;
return $finalpath;