*/ use dokuwiki\Cache\Cache; use dokuwiki\HTTP\DokuHTTPClient; use dokuwiki\Extension\PluginController; /** * Class helper_plugin_extension_repository provides access to the extension repository on dokuwiki.org */ class helper_plugin_extension_repository extends DokuWiki_Plugin { const EXTENSION_REPOSITORY_API = 'http://www.dokuwiki.org/lib/plugins/pluginrepo/api.php'; private $loaded_extensions = array(); private $has_access = null; /** * Initialize the repository (cache), fetches data for all installed plugins */ public function init() { /* @var PluginController $plugin_controller */ global $plugin_controller; if ($this->hasAccess()) { $list = $plugin_controller->getList('', true); $request_data = array('fmt' => 'php'); $request_needed = false; foreach ($list as $name) { $cache = new Cache('##extension_manager##'.$name, '.repo'); if (!isset($this->loaded_extensions[$name]) && $this->hasAccess() && !$cache->useCache(array('age' => 3600 * 24)) ) { $this->loaded_extensions[$name] = true; $request_data['ext'][] = $name; $request_needed = true; } } if ($request_needed) { $httpclient = new DokuHTTPClient(); $data = $httpclient->post(self::EXTENSION_REPOSITORY_API, $request_data); if ($data !== false) { $extensions = unserialize($data); foreach ($extensions as $extension) { $cache = new Cache('##extension_manager##'.$extension['plugin'], '.repo'); $cache->storeCache(serialize($extension)); } } else { $this->has_access = false; } } } } /** * If repository access is available * * @param bool $usecache use cached result if still valid * @return bool If repository access is available */ public function hasAccess($usecache = true) { if ($this->has_access === null) { $cache = new Cache('##extension_manager###hasAccess', '.repo'); if (!$cache->useCache(array('age' => 60*10, 'purge' => !$usecache))) { $httpclient = new DokuHTTPClient(); $httpclient->timeout = 5; $data = $httpclient->get(self::EXTENSION_REPOSITORY_API.'?cmd=ping'); if ($data !== false) { $this->has_access = true; $cache->storeCache(1); } else { $this->has_access = false; $cache->storeCache(0); } } else { $this->has_access = ($cache->retrieveCache(false) == 1); } } return $this->has_access; } /** * Get the remote data of an individual plugin or template * * @param string $name The plugin name to get the data for, template names need to be prefix by 'template:' * @return array The data or null if nothing was found (possibly no repository access) */ public function getData($name) { $cache = new Cache('##extension_manager##'.$name, '.repo'); if (!isset($this->loaded_extensions[$name]) && $this->hasAccess() && !$cache->useCache(array('age' => 3600 * 24)) ) { $this->loaded_extensions[$name] = true; $httpclient = new DokuHTTPClient(); $data = $httpclient->get(self::EXTENSION_REPOSITORY_API.'?fmt=php&ext[]='.urlencode($name)); if ($data !== false) { $result = unserialize($data); $cache->storeCache(serialize($result[0])); return $result[0]; } else { $this->has_access = false; } } if (file_exists($cache->cache)) { return unserialize($cache->retrieveCache(false)); } return array(); } /** * Search for plugins or templates using the given query string * * @param string $q the query string * @return array a list of matching extensions */ public function search($q) { $query = $this->parseQuery($q); $query['fmt'] = 'php'; $httpclient = new DokuHTTPClient(); $data = $httpclient->post(self::EXTENSION_REPOSITORY_API, $query); if ($data === false) return array(); $result = unserialize($data); $ids = array(); // store cache info for each extension foreach ($result as $ext) { $name = $ext['plugin']; $cache = new Cache('##extension_manager##'.$name, '.repo'); $cache->storeCache(serialize($ext)); $ids[] = $name; } return $ids; } /** * Parses special queries from the query string * * @param string $q * @return array */ protected function parseQuery($q) { $parameters = array( 'tag' => array(), 'mail' => array(), 'type' => array(), 'ext' => array() ); // extract tags if (preg_match_all('/(^|\s)(tag:([\S]+))/', $q, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $m) { $q = str_replace($m[2], '', $q); $parameters['tag'][] = $m[3]; } } // extract author ids if (preg_match_all('/(^|\s)(authorid:([\S]+))/', $q, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $m) { $q = str_replace($m[2], '', $q); $parameters['mail'][] = $m[3]; } } // extract extensions if (preg_match_all('/(^|\s)(ext:([\S]+))/', $q, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $m) { $q = str_replace($m[2], '', $q); $parameters['ext'][] = $m[3]; } } // extract types if (preg_match_all('/(^|\s)(type:([\S]+))/', $q, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $m) { $q = str_replace($m[2], '', $q); $parameters['type'][] = $m[3]; } } // FIXME make integer from type value $parameters['q'] = trim($q); return $parameters; } } // vim:ts=4:sw=4:et: