* @author Anika Henke (concepts) * @author Frank Schubert (old version) */ /** * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the admin function * need to inherit from this class */ class admin_plugin_acl extends DokuWiki_Admin_Plugin { public $acl = null; protected $ns = null; /** * The currently selected item, associative array with id and type. * Populated from (in this order): * $_REQUEST['current_ns'] * $_REQUEST['current_id'] * $ns * $ID */ protected $current_item = null; protected $who = ''; protected $usersgroups = array(); protected $specials = array(); /** * return prompt for admin menu */ public function getMenuText($language) { return $this->getLang('admin_acl'); } /** * return sort order for position in admin menu */ public function getMenuSort() { return 1; } /** * handle user request * * Initializes internal vars and handles modifications * * @author Andreas Gohr */ public function handle() { global $AUTH_ACL; global $ID; global $auth; global $config_cascade; global $INPUT; // fresh 1:1 copy without replacements $AUTH_ACL = file($config_cascade['acl']['default']); // namespace given? if ($INPUT->str('ns') == '*') { $this->ns = '*'; } else { $this->ns = cleanID($INPUT->str('ns')); } if ($INPUT->str('current_ns')) { $this->current_item = array('id' => cleanID($INPUT->str('current_ns')), 'type' => 'd'); } elseif ($INPUT->str('current_id')) { $this->current_item = array('id' => cleanID($INPUT->str('current_id')), 'type' => 'f'); } elseif ($this->ns) { $this->current_item = array('id' => $this->ns, 'type' => 'd'); } else { $this->current_item = array('id' => $ID, 'type' => 'f'); } // user or group choosen? $who = trim($INPUT->str('acl_w')); if ($INPUT->str('acl_t') == '__g__' && $who) { $this->who = '@'.ltrim($auth->cleanGroup($who), '@'); } elseif ($INPUT->str('acl_t') == '__u__' && $who) { $this->who = ltrim($who, '@'); if ($this->who != '%USER%' && $this->who != '%GROUP%') { #keep wildcard as is $this->who = $auth->cleanUser($this->who); } } elseif ($INPUT->str('acl_t') && $INPUT->str('acl_t') != '__u__' && $INPUT->str('acl_t') != '__g__') { $this->who = $INPUT->str('acl_t'); } elseif ($who) { $this->who = $who; } // handle modifications if ($INPUT->has('cmd') && checkSecurityToken()) { $cmd = $INPUT->extract('cmd')->str('cmd'); // scope for modifications if ($this->ns) { if ($this->ns == '*') { $scope = '*'; } else { $scope = $this->ns.':*'; } } else { $scope = $ID; } if ($cmd == 'save' && $scope && $this->who && $INPUT->has('acl')) { // handle additions or single modifications $this->deleteACL($scope, $this->who); $this->addOrUpdateACL($scope, $this->who, $INPUT->int('acl')); } elseif ($cmd == 'del' && $scope && $this->who) { // handle single deletions $this->deleteACL($scope, $this->who); } elseif ($cmd == 'update') { $acl = $INPUT->arr('acl'); // handle update of the whole file foreach ($INPUT->arr('del') as $where => $names) { // remove all rules marked for deletion foreach ($names as $who) unset($acl[$where][$who]); } // prepare lines $lines = array(); // keep header foreach ($AUTH_ACL as $line) { if ($line[0] == '#') { $lines[] = $line; } else { break; } } // re-add all rules foreach ($acl as $where => $opt) { foreach ($opt as $who => $perm) { if ($who[0]=='@') { if ($who!='@ALL') { $who = '@'.ltrim($auth->cleanGroup($who), '@'); } } elseif ($who != '%USER%' && $who != '%GROUP%') { #keep wildcard as is $who = $auth->cleanUser($who); } $who = auth_nameencode($who, true); $lines[] = "$where\t$who\t$perm\n"; } } // save it io_saveFile($config_cascade['acl']['default'], join('', $lines)); } // reload ACL config $AUTH_ACL = file($config_cascade['acl']['default']); } // initialize ACL array $this->initAclConfig(); } /** * ACL Output function * * print a table with all significant permissions for the * current id * * @author Frank Schubert * @author Andreas Gohr */ public function html() { echo '
'.NL; echo '


'.NL; echo '
'.NL; echo '
'.NL; $this->makeExplorer(); echo '
'.NL; echo '
'.NL; $this->printDetail(); echo '
'.NL; echo '
'.NL; echo '
'; echo '


'.NL; echo '
'.NL; $this->printAclTable(); echo '
'.NL; echo '
'.NL; echo '1)'.NL; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'.NL; } /** * returns array with set options for building links * * @author Andreas Gohr */ protected function getLinkOptions($addopts = null) { $opts = array( 'do'=>'admin', 'page'=>'acl', ); if ($this->ns) $opts['ns'] = $this->ns; if ($this->who) $opts['acl_w'] = $this->who; if (is_null($addopts)) return $opts; return array_merge($opts, $addopts); } /** * Display a tree menu to select a page or namespace * * @author Andreas Gohr */ protected function makeExplorer() { global $conf; global $ID; global $lang; $ns = $this->ns; if (empty($ns)) { $ns = dirname(str_replace(':', '/', $ID)); if ($ns == '.') $ns =''; } elseif ($ns == '*') { $ns =''; } $ns = utf8_encodeFN(str_replace(':', '/', $ns)); $data = $this->makeTree($ns); // wrap a list with the root level around the other namespaces array_unshift($data, array( 'level' => 0, 'id' => '*', 'type' => 'd', 'open' =>'true', 'label' => '['.$lang['mediaroot'].']')); echo html_buildlist( $data, 'acl', array($this, 'makeTreeItem'), array($this, 'makeListItem') ); } /** * get a combined list of media and page files * * also called via AJAX * * @param string $folder an already converted filesystem folder of the current namespace * @param string $limit limit the search to this folder * @return array */ public function makeTree($folder, $limit = '') { global $conf; // read tree structure from pages and media $data = array(); search($data, $conf['datadir'], 'search_index', array('ns' => $folder), $limit); $media = array(); search($media, $conf['mediadir'], 'search_index', array('ns' => $folder, 'nofiles' => true), $limit); $data = array_merge($data, $media); unset($media); // combine by sorting and removing duplicates usort($data, array($this, 'treeSort')); $count = count($data); if ($count>0) for ($i=1; $i<$count; $i++) { if ($data[$i-1]['id'] == $data[$i]['id'] && $data[$i-1]['type'] == $data[$i]['type']) { unset($data[$i]); $i++; // duplicate found, next $i can't be a duplicate, so skip forward one } } return $data; } /** * usort callback * * Sorts the combined trees of media and page files */ public function treeSort($a, $b) { // handle the trivial cases first if ($a['id'] == '') return -1; if ($b['id'] == '') return 1; // split up the id into parts $a_ids = explode(':', $a['id']); $b_ids = explode(':', $b['id']); // now loop through the parts while (count($a_ids) && count($b_ids)) { // compare each level from upper to lower // until a non-equal component is found $cur_result = strcmp(array_shift($a_ids), array_shift($b_ids)); if ($cur_result) { // if one of the components is the last component and is a file // and the other one is either of a deeper level or a directory, // the file has to come after the deeper level or directory if (empty($a_ids) && $a['type'] == 'f' && (count($b_ids) || $b['type'] == 'd')) return 1; if (empty($b_ids) && $b['type'] == 'f' && (count($a_ids) || $a['type'] == 'd')) return -1; return $cur_result; } } // The two ids seem to be equal. One of them might however refer // to a page, one to a namespace, the namespace needs to be first. if (empty($a_ids) && empty($b_ids)) { if ($a['type'] == $b['type']) return 0; if ($a['type'] == 'f') return 1; return -1; } // Now the empty part is either a page in the parent namespace // that obviously needs to be after the namespace // Or it is the namespace that contains the other part and should be // before that other part. if (empty($a_ids)) return ($a['type'] == 'd') ? -1 : 1; if (empty($b_ids)) return ($b['type'] == 'd') ? 1 : -1; return 0; //shouldn't happen } /** * Display the current ACL for selected where/who combination with * selectors and modification form * * @author Andreas Gohr */ protected function printDetail() { global $ID; echo '
'.NL; echo '
'; echo $this->getLang('acl_perms').' '; $inl = $this->makeSelect(); echo ''.NL; echo ''.NL; echo '
'.NL; echo '
'; $this->printInfo(); echo '
'; echo ''.NL; echo ''.NL; echo ''.NL; echo ''.NL; echo ''.NL; echo '
'.NL; } /** * Print info and editor * * also loaded via Ajax */ public function printInfo() { global $ID; if ($this->who) { $current = $this->getExactPermisson(); // explain current permissions $this->printExplanation($current); // load editor $this->printAclEditor($current); } else { echo '

'; if ($this->ns) { printf($this->getLang('p_choose_ns'), hsc($this->ns)); } else { printf($this->getLang('p_choose_id'), hsc($ID)); } echo '

'; echo $this->locale_xhtml('help'); } } /** * Display the ACL editor * * @author Andreas Gohr */ protected function printAclEditor($current) { global $lang; echo '
'; if (is_null($current)) { echo ''.$this->getLang('acl_new').''; } else { echo ''.$this->getLang('acl_mod').''; } echo $this->makeCheckboxes($current, empty($this->ns), 'acl'); if (is_null($current)) { echo ''.NL; } else { echo ''.NL; echo ''.NL; } echo '
'; } /** * Explain the currently set permissions in plain english/$lang * * @author Andreas Gohr */ protected function printExplanation($current) { global $ID; global $auth; $who = $this->who; $ns = $this->ns; // prepare where to check if ($ns) { if ($ns == '*') { $check='*'; } else { $check=$ns.':*'; } } else { $check = $ID; } // prepare who to check if ($who[0] == '@') { $user = ''; $groups = array(ltrim($who, '@')); } else { $user = $who; $info = $auth->getUserData($user); if ($info === false) { $groups = array(); } else { $groups = $info['grps']; } } // check the permissions $perm = auth_aclcheck($check, $user, $groups); // build array of named permissions $names = array(); if ($perm) { if ($ns) { if ($perm >= AUTH_DELETE) $names[] = $this->getLang('acl_perm16'); if ($perm >= AUTH_UPLOAD) $names[] = $this->getLang('acl_perm8'); if ($perm >= AUTH_CREATE) $names[] = $this->getLang('acl_perm4'); } if ($perm >= AUTH_EDIT) $names[] = $this->getLang('acl_perm2'); if ($perm >= AUTH_READ) $names[] = $this->getLang('acl_perm1'); $names = array_reverse($names); } else { $names[] = $this->getLang('acl_perm0'); } // print permission explanation echo '

'; if ($user) { if ($ns) { printf($this->getLang('p_user_ns'), hsc($who), hsc($ns), join(', ', $names)); } else { printf($this->getLang('p_user_id'), hsc($who), hsc($ID), join(', ', $names)); } } else { if ($ns) { printf($this->getLang('p_group_ns'), hsc(ltrim($who, '@')), hsc($ns), join(', ', $names)); } else { printf($this->getLang('p_group_id'), hsc(ltrim($who, '@')), hsc($ID), join(', ', $names)); } } echo '

'; // add note if admin if ($perm == AUTH_ADMIN) { echo '


'; } elseif (is_null($current)) { echo '


'; } } /** * Item formatter for the tree view * * User function for html_buildlist() * * @author Andreas Gohr */ public function makeTreeItem($item) { $ret = ''; // what to display if (!empty($item['label'])) { $base = $item['label']; } else { $base = ':'.$item['id']; $base = substr($base, strrpos($base, ':')+1); } // highlight? if (($item['type']== $this->current_item['type'] && $item['id'] == $this->current_item['id'])) { $cl = ' cur'; } else { $cl = ''; } // namespace or page? if ($item['type']=='d') { if ($item['open']) { $img = DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/minus.gif'; $alt = '−'; } else { $img = DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/plus.gif'; $alt = '+'; } $ret .= ''.$alt.''; $ret .= ''; $ret .= $base; $ret .= ''; } else { $ret .= ''; $ret .= noNS($item['id']); $ret .= ''; } return $ret; } /** * List Item formatter * * @param array $item * @return string */ public function makeListItem($item) { return '
  • '; } /** * Get current ACL settings as multidim array * * @author Andreas Gohr */ public function initAclConfig() { global $AUTH_ACL; global $conf; $acl_config=array(); $usersgroups = array(); // get special users and groups $this->specials[] = '@ALL'; $this->specials[] = '@'.$conf['defaultgroup']; if ($conf['manager'] != '!!not set!!') { $this->specials = array_merge( $this->specials, array_map( 'trim', explode(',', $conf['manager']) ) ); } $this->specials = array_filter($this->specials); $this->specials = array_unique($this->specials); sort($this->specials); foreach ($AUTH_ACL as $line) { $line = trim(preg_replace('/#.*$/', '', $line)); //ignore comments if (!$line) continue; $acl = preg_split('/[ \t]+/', $line); //0 is pagename, 1 is user, 2 is acl $acl[1] = rawurldecode($acl[1]); $acl_config[$acl[0]][$acl[1]] = $acl[2]; // store non-special users and groups for later selection dialog $ug = $acl[1]; if (in_array($ug, $this->specials)) continue; $usersgroups[] = $ug; } $usersgroups = array_unique($usersgroups); sort($usersgroups); ksort($acl_config); $this->acl = $acl_config; $this->usersgroups = $usersgroups; } /** * Display all currently set permissions in a table * * @author Andreas Gohr */ protected function printAclTable() { global $lang; global $ID; echo '
    '.NL; if ($this->ns) { echo ''.NL; } else { echo ''.NL; } echo ''.NL; echo ''.NL; echo ''.NL; echo ''.NL; echo '
    '; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; foreach ($this->acl as $where => $set) { foreach ($set as $who => $perm) { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } } echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
    '; if (substr($where, -1) == '*') { echo ''.hsc($where).''; $ispage = false; } else { echo ''.hsc($where).''; $ispage = true; } echo ''; if ($who[0] == '@') { echo ''.hsc($who).''; } else { echo ''.hsc($who).''; } echo ''; echo $this->makeCheckboxes($perm, $ispage, 'acl['.$where.']['.$who.']'); echo ''; echo ''; echo '
    '; echo ''; echo '
    '; echo '
    '; echo '
    '.NL; } /** * Returns the permission which were set for exactly the given user/group * and page/namespace. Returns null if no exact match is available * * @author Andreas Gohr */ protected function getExactPermisson() { global $ID; if ($this->ns) { if ($this->ns == '*') { $check = '*'; } else { $check = $this->ns.':*'; } } else { $check = $ID; } if (isset($this->acl[$check][$this->who])) { return $this->acl[$check][$this->who]; } else { return null; } } /** * adds new acl-entry to conf/acl.auth.php * * @author Frank Schubert */ public function addOrUpdateACL($acl_scope, $acl_user, $acl_level) { global $config_cascade; // first make sure we won't end up with 2 lines matching this user and scope. See issue #1115 $this->deleteACL($acl_scope, $acl_user); $acl_user = auth_nameencode($acl_user, true); // max level for pagenames is edit if (strpos($acl_scope, '*') === false) { if ($acl_level > AUTH_EDIT) $acl_level = AUTH_EDIT; } $new_acl = "$acl_scope\t$acl_user\t$acl_level\n"; return io_saveFile($config_cascade['acl']['default'], $new_acl, true); } /** * remove acl-entry from conf/acl.auth.php * * @author Frank Schubert */ public function deleteACL($acl_scope, $acl_user) { global $config_cascade; $acl_user = auth_nameencode($acl_user, true); $acl_pattern = '^'.preg_quote($acl_scope, '/').'[ \t]+'.$acl_user.'[ \t]+[0-8].*$'; return io_deleteFromFile($config_cascade['acl']['default'], "/$acl_pattern/", true); } /** * print the permission radio boxes * * @author Frank Schubert * @author Andreas Gohr */ protected function makeCheckboxes($setperm, $ispage, $name) { global $lang; static $label = 0; //number labels $ret = ''; if ($ispage && $setperm > AUTH_EDIT) $setperm = AUTH_EDIT; foreach (array(AUTH_NONE,AUTH_READ,AUTH_EDIT,AUTH_CREATE,AUTH_UPLOAD,AUTH_DELETE) as $perm) { $label += 1; //general checkbox attributes $atts = array( 'type' => 'radio', 'id' => 'pbox'.$label, 'name' => $name, 'value' => $perm ); //dynamic attributes if (!is_null($setperm) && $setperm == $perm) $atts['checked'] = 'checked'; if ($ispage && $perm > AUTH_EDIT) { $atts['disabled'] = 'disabled'; $class = ' class="disabled"'; } else { $class = ''; } //build code $ret .= ''.NL; } return $ret; } /** * Print a user/group selector (reusing already used users and groups) * * @author Andreas Gohr */ protected function makeSelect() { $inlist = false; $usel = ''; $gsel = ''; if ($this->who && !in_array($this->who, $this->usersgroups) && !in_array($this->who, $this->specials)) { if ($this->who[0] == '@') { $gsel = ' selected="selected"'; } else { $usel = ' selected="selected"'; } } else { $inlist = true; } echo ''.NL; return $inlist; } }