809 lines
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809 lines
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// phpcs:disable PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName.NotCamelCaps
namespace dokuwiki;
* Password Hashing Class
* This class implements various mechanisms used to hash passwords
* @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
* @author Schplurtz le Déboulonné <Schplurtz@laposte.net>
* @license LGPL2
class PassHash {
* Verifies a cleartext password against a crypted hash
* The method and salt used for the crypted hash is determined automatically,
* then the clear text password is crypted using the same method. If both hashs
* match true is is returned else false
* @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
* @author Schplurtz le Déboulonné <Schplurtz@laposte.net>
* @param string $clear Clear-Text password
* @param string $hash Hash to compare against
* @return bool
public function verify_hash($clear, $hash) {
$method = '';
$salt = '';
$magic = '';
//determine the used method and salt
if (substr($hash, 0, 2) == 'U$') {
// This may be an updated password from user_update_7000(). Such hashes
// have 'U' added as the first character and need an extra md5().
$hash = substr($hash, 1);
$clear = md5($clear);
$len = strlen($hash);
if(preg_match('/^\$1\$([^\$]{0,8})\$/', $hash, $m)) {
$method = 'smd5';
$salt = $m[1];
$magic = '1';
} elseif(preg_match('/^\$apr1\$([^\$]{0,8})\$/', $hash, $m)) {
$method = 'apr1';
$salt = $m[1];
$magic = 'apr1';
} elseif(preg_match('/^\$S\$(.{52})$/', $hash, $m)) {
$method = 'drupal_sha512';
$salt = $m[1];
$magic = 'S';
} elseif(preg_match('/^\$P\$(.{31})$/', $hash, $m)) {
$method = 'pmd5';
$salt = $m[1];
$magic = 'P';
} elseif(preg_match('/^\$H\$(.{31})$/', $hash, $m)) {
$method = 'pmd5';
$salt = $m[1];
$magic = 'H';
} elseif(preg_match('/^pbkdf2_(\w+?)\$(\d+)\$(.{12})\$/', $hash, $m)) {
$method = 'djangopbkdf2';
$magic = array(
'algo' => $m[1],
'iter' => $m[2],
$salt = $m[3];
} elseif(preg_match('/^PBKDF2(SHA\d+)\$(\d+)\$([[:xdigit:]]+)\$([[:xdigit:]]+)$/', $hash, $m)) {
$method = 'seafilepbkdf2';
$magic = array(
'algo' => $m[1],
'iter' => $m[2],
$salt = $m[3];
} elseif(preg_match('/^sha1\$(.{5})\$/', $hash, $m)) {
$method = 'djangosha1';
$salt = $m[1];
} elseif(preg_match('/^md5\$(.{5})\$/', $hash, $m)) {
$method = 'djangomd5';
$salt = $m[1];
} elseif(preg_match('/^\$2(a|y)\$(.{2})\$/', $hash, $m)) {
$method = 'bcrypt';
$salt = $hash;
} elseif(substr($hash, 0, 6) == '{SSHA}') {
$method = 'ssha';
$salt = substr(base64_decode(substr($hash, 6)), 20);
} elseif(substr($hash, 0, 6) == '{SMD5}') {
$method = 'lsmd5';
$salt = substr(base64_decode(substr($hash, 6)), 16);
} elseif(preg_match('/^:B:(.+?):.{32}$/', $hash, $m)) {
$method = 'mediawiki';
$salt = $m[1];
} elseif(preg_match('/^\$6\$(rounds=\d+)?\$?(.+?)\$/', $hash, $m)) {
$method = 'sha512';
$salt = $m[2];
$magic = $m[1];
} elseif(preg_match('/^\$(argon2id?)/', $hash, $m)) {
if(!defined('PASSWORD_'.strtoupper($m[1]))) {
throw new \Exception('This PHP installation has no '.strtoupper($m[1]).' support');
return password_verify($clear,$hash);
} elseif($len == 32) {
$method = 'md5';
} elseif($len == 40) {
$method = 'sha1';
} elseif($len == 16) {
$method = 'mysql';
} elseif($len == 41 && $hash[0] == '*') {
$method = 'my411';
} elseif($len == 34) {
$method = 'kmd5';
$salt = $hash;
} else {
$method = 'crypt';
$salt = substr($hash, 0, 2);
//crypt and compare
$call = 'hash_'.$method;
$newhash = $this->$call($clear, $salt, $magic);
if(\hash_equals($newhash, $hash)) {
return true;
return false;
* Create a random salt
* @param int $len The length of the salt
* @return string
public function gen_salt($len = 32) {
$salt = '';
$chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789';
for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
$salt .= $chars[$this->random(0, 61)];
return $salt;
* Initialize the passed variable with a salt if needed.
* If $salt is not null, the value is kept, but the lenght restriction is
* applied (unless, $cut is false).
* @param string|null &$salt The salt, pass null if you want one generated
* @param int $len The length of the salt
* @param bool $cut Apply length restriction to existing salt?
public function init_salt(&$salt, $len = 32, $cut = true) {
if(is_null($salt)) {
$salt = $this->gen_salt($len);
$cut = true; // for new hashes we alway apply length restriction
if(strlen($salt) > $len && $cut) $salt = substr($salt, 0, $len);
// Password hashing methods follow below
* Password hashing method 'smd5'
* Uses salted MD5 hashs. Salt is 8 bytes long.
* The same mechanism is used by Apache's 'apr1' method. This will
* fallback to a implementation in pure PHP if MD5 support is not
* available in crypt()
* @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
* @author <mikey_nich at hotmail dot com>
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/function.crypt.php#73619
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @param string $salt The salt to use, null for random
* @return string Hashed password
public function hash_smd5($clear, $salt = null) {
$this->init_salt($salt, 8);
if(defined('CRYPT_MD5') && CRYPT_MD5 && $salt !== '') {
return crypt($clear, '$1$'.$salt.'$');
} else {
// Fall back to PHP-only implementation
return $this->hash_apr1($clear, $salt, '1');
* Password hashing method 'lsmd5'
* Uses salted MD5 hashs. Salt is 8 bytes long.
* This is the format used by LDAP.
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @param string $salt The salt to use, null for random
* @return string Hashed password
public function hash_lsmd5($clear, $salt = null) {
$this->init_salt($salt, 8);
return "{SMD5}".base64_encode(md5($clear.$salt, true).$salt);
* Password hashing method 'apr1'
* Uses salted MD5 hashs. Salt is 8 bytes long.
* This is basically the same as smd1 above, but as used by Apache.
* @author <mikey_nich at hotmail dot com>
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/function.crypt.php#73619
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @param string $salt The salt to use, null for random
* @param string $magic The hash identifier (apr1 or 1)
* @return string Hashed password
public function hash_apr1($clear, $salt = null, $magic = 'apr1') {
$this->init_salt($salt, 8);
$len = strlen($clear);
$text = $clear.'$'.$magic.'$'.$salt;
$bin = pack("H32", md5($clear.$salt.$clear));
for($i = $len; $i > 0; $i -= 16) {
$text .= substr($bin, 0, min(16, $i));
for($i = $len; $i > 0; $i >>= 1) {
$text .= ($i & 1) ? chr(0) : $clear[0];
$bin = pack("H32", md5($text));
for($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
$new = ($i & 1) ? $clear : $bin;
if($i % 3) $new .= $salt;
if($i % 7) $new .= $clear;
$new .= ($i & 1) ? $bin : $clear;
$bin = pack("H32", md5($new));
$tmp = '';
for($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
$k = $i + 6;
$j = $i + 12;
if($j == 16) $j = 5;
$tmp = $bin[$i].$bin[$k].$bin[$j].$tmp;
$tmp = chr(0).chr(0).$bin[11].$tmp;
$tmp = strtr(
strrev(substr(base64_encode($tmp), 2)),
return '$'.$magic.'$'.$salt.'$'.$tmp;
* Password hashing method 'md5'
* Uses MD5 hashs.
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @return string Hashed password
public function hash_md5($clear) {
return md5($clear);
* Password hashing method 'sha1'
* Uses SHA1 hashs.
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @return string Hashed password
public function hash_sha1($clear) {
return sha1($clear);
* Password hashing method 'ssha' as used by LDAP
* Uses salted SHA1 hashs. Salt is 4 bytes long.
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @param string $salt The salt to use, null for random
* @return string Hashed password
public function hash_ssha($clear, $salt = null) {
$this->init_salt($salt, 4);
return '{SSHA}'.base64_encode(pack("H*", sha1($clear.$salt)).$salt);
* Password hashing method 'crypt'
* Uses salted crypt hashs. Salt is 2 bytes long.
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @param string $salt The salt to use, null for random
* @return string Hashed password
public function hash_crypt($clear, $salt = null) {
$this->init_salt($salt, 2);
return crypt($clear, $salt);
* Password hashing method 'mysql'
* This method was used by old MySQL systems
* @link http://php.net/mysql
* @author <soren at byu dot edu>
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @return string Hashed password
public function hash_mysql($clear) {
$nr = 0x50305735;
$nr2 = 0x12345671;
$add = 7;
$charArr = preg_split("//", $clear);
foreach($charArr as $char) {
if(($char == '') || ($char == ' ') || ($char == '\t')) continue;
$charVal = ord($char);
$nr ^= ((($nr & 63) + $add) * $charVal) + ($nr << 8);
$nr2 += ($nr2 << 8) ^ $nr;
$add += $charVal;
return sprintf("%08x%08x", ($nr & 0x7fffffff), ($nr2 & 0x7fffffff));
* Password hashing method 'my411'
* Uses SHA1 hashs. This method is used by MySQL 4.11 and above
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @return string Hashed password
public function hash_my411($clear) {
return '*'.strtoupper(sha1(pack("H*", sha1($clear))));
* Password hashing method 'kmd5'
* Uses salted MD5 hashs.
* Salt is 2 bytes long, but stored at position 16, so you need to pass at
* least 18 bytes. You can pass the crypted hash as salt.
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @param string $salt The salt to use, null for random
* @return string Hashed password
public function hash_kmd5($clear, $salt = null) {
$key = substr($salt, 16, 2);
$hash1 = strtolower(md5($key.md5($clear)));
$hash2 = substr($hash1, 0, 16).$key.substr($hash1, 16);
return $hash2;
* Password stretched hashing wrapper.
* Initial hash is repeatedly rehashed with same password.
* Any salted hash algorithm supported by PHP hash() can be used. Salt
* is 1+8 bytes long, 1st byte is the iteration count when given. For null
* salts $compute is used.
* The actual iteration count is 2 to the power of the given count,
* maximum is 30 (-> 2^30 = 1_073_741_824). If a higher one is given,
* the function throws an exception.
* This iteration count is expected to grow with increasing power of
* new computers.
* @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
* @author Schplurtz le Déboulonné <Schplurtz@laposte.net>
* @link http://www.openwall.com/phpass/
* @param string $algo The hash algorithm to be used
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @param string $salt The salt to use, null for random
* @param string $magic The hash identifier (P or H)
* @param int $compute The iteration count for new passwords
* @throws \Exception
* @return string Hashed password
protected function stretched_hash($algo, $clear, $salt = null, $magic = 'P', $compute = 8) {
$itoa64 = './0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
if(is_null($salt)) {
$salt = $itoa64[$compute].$salt; // prefix iteration count
$iterc = $salt[0]; // pos 0 of salt is log2(iteration count)
$iter = strpos($itoa64, $iterc);
if($iter > 30) {
throw new \Exception("Too high iteration count ($iter) in ".
$iter = 1 << $iter;
$salt = substr($salt, 1, 8);
// iterate
$hash = hash($algo, $salt . $clear, TRUE);
do {
$hash = hash($algo, $hash.$clear, true);
} while(--$iter);
// encode
$output = '';
$count = strlen($hash);
$i = 0;
do {
$value = ord($hash[$i++]);
$output .= $itoa64[$value & 0x3f];
if($i < $count)
$value |= ord($hash[$i]) << 8;
$output .= $itoa64[($value >> 6) & 0x3f];
if($i++ >= $count)
if($i < $count)
$value |= ord($hash[$i]) << 16;
$output .= $itoa64[($value >> 12) & 0x3f];
if($i++ >= $count)
$output .= $itoa64[($value >> 18) & 0x3f];
} while($i < $count);
return '$'.$magic.'$'.$iterc.$salt.$output;
* Password hashing method 'pmd5'
* Repeatedly uses salted MD5 hashs. See stretched_hash() for the
* details.
* @author Schplurtz le Déboulonné <Schplurtz@laposte.net>
* @link http://www.openwall.com/phpass/
* @see PassHash::stretched_hash() for the implementation details.
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @param string $salt The salt to use, null for random
* @param string $magic The hash identifier (P or H)
* @param int $compute The iteration count for new passwords
* @throws Exception
* @return string Hashed password
public function hash_pmd5($clear, $salt = null, $magic = 'P', $compute = 8) {
return $this->stretched_hash('md5', $clear, $salt, $magic, $compute);
* Password hashing method 'drupal_sha512'
* Implements Drupal salted sha512 hashs. Drupal truncates the hash at 55
* characters. See stretched_hash() for the details;
* @author Schplurtz le Déboulonné <Schplurtz@laposte.net>
* @link https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes%21password.inc/7.x
* @see PassHash::stretched_hash() for the implementation details.
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @param string $salt The salt to use, null for random
* @param string $magic The hash identifier (S)
* @param int $compute The iteration count for new passwords (defautl is drupal 7's)
* @throws Exception
* @return string Hashed password
public function hash_drupal_sha512($clear, $salt = null, $magic = 'S', $compute = 15) {
return substr($this->stretched_hash('sha512', $clear, $salt, $magic, $compute), 0, 55);
* Alias for hash_pmd5
* @param string $clear
* @param null|string $salt
* @param string $magic
* @param int $compute
* @return string
* @throws \Exception
public function hash_hmd5($clear, $salt = null, $magic = 'H', $compute = 8) {
return $this->hash_pmd5($clear, $salt, $magic, $compute);
* Password hashing method 'djangosha1'
* Uses salted SHA1 hashs. Salt is 5 bytes long.
* This is used by the Django Python framework
* @link http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/auth/#passwords
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @param string $salt The salt to use, null for random
* @return string Hashed password
public function hash_djangosha1($clear, $salt = null) {
$this->init_salt($salt, 5);
return 'sha1$'.$salt.'$'.sha1($salt.$clear);
* Password hashing method 'djangomd5'
* Uses salted MD5 hashs. Salt is 5 bytes long.
* This is used by the Django Python framework
* @link http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/auth/#passwords
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @param string $salt The salt to use, null for random
* @return string Hashed password
public function hash_djangomd5($clear, $salt = null) {
$this->init_salt($salt, 5);
return 'md5$'.$salt.'$'.md5($salt.$clear);
* Password hashing method 'seafilepbkdf2'
* An algorithm and iteration count should be given in the opts array.
* Hash algorithm is the string that is in the password string in seafile
* database. It has to be converted to a php algo name.
* @author Schplurtz le Déboulonné <Schplurtz@laposte.net>
* @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/23670177
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @param string $salt The salt to use, null for random
* @param array $opts ('algo' => hash algorithm, 'iter' => iterations)
* @return string Hashed password
* @throws Exception when PHP is missing support for the method/algo
public function hash_seafilepbkdf2($clear, $salt=null, $opts=array()) {
$this->init_salt($salt, 64);
if(empty($opts['algo'])) {
} else {
$algo = strtolower($prefixalgo);
if(empty($opts['iter'])) {
$iter = 10000;
} else {
$iter = (int) $opts['iter'];
if(!function_exists('hash_pbkdf2')) {
throw new Exception('This PHP installation has no PBKDF2 support');
if(!in_array($algo, hash_algos())) {
throw new Exception("This PHP installation has no $algo support");
$hash = hash_pbkdf2($algo, $clear, hex2bin($salt), $iter, 0);
return "PBKDF2$prefixalgo\$$iter\$$salt\$$hash";
* Password hashing method 'djangopbkdf2'
* An algorithm and iteration count should be given in the opts array.
* Defaults to sha256 and 24000 iterations
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @param string $salt The salt to use, null for random
* @param array $opts ('algo' => hash algorithm, 'iter' => iterations)
* @return string Hashed password
* @throws \Exception when PHP is missing support for the method/algo
public function hash_djangopbkdf2($clear, $salt=null, $opts=array()) {
$this->init_salt($salt, 12);
if(empty($opts['algo'])) {
$algo = 'sha256';
} else {
$algo = $opts['algo'];
if(empty($opts['iter'])) {
$iter = 24000;
} else {
$iter = (int) $opts['iter'];
if(!function_exists('hash_pbkdf2')) {
throw new \Exception('This PHP installation has no PBKDF2 support');
if(!in_array($algo, hash_algos())) {
throw new \Exception("This PHP installation has no $algo support");
$hash = base64_encode(hash_pbkdf2($algo, $clear, $salt, $iter, 0, true));
return "pbkdf2_$algo\$$iter\$$salt\$$hash";
* Alias for djangopbkdf2 defaulting to sha256 as hash algorithm
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @param string $salt The salt to use, null for random
* @param array $opts ('iter' => iterations)
* @return string Hashed password
* @throws \Exception when PHP is missing support for the method/algo
public function hash_djangopbkdf2_sha256($clear, $salt=null, $opts=array()) {
$opts['algo'] = 'sha256';
return $this->hash_djangopbkdf2($clear, $salt, $opts);
* Alias for djangopbkdf2 defaulting to sha1 as hash algorithm
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @param string $salt The salt to use, null for random
* @param array $opts ('iter' => iterations)
* @return string Hashed password
* @throws \Exception when PHP is missing support for the method/algo
public function hash_djangopbkdf2_sha1($clear, $salt=null, $opts=array()) {
$opts['algo'] = 'sha1';
return $this->hash_djangopbkdf2($clear, $salt, $opts);
* Passwordhashing method 'bcrypt'
* Uses a modified blowfish algorithm called eksblowfish
* This method works on PHP 5.3+ only and will throw an exception
* if the needed crypt support isn't available
* A full hash should be given as salt (starting with $a2$) or this
* will break. When no salt is given, the iteration count can be set
* through the $compute variable.
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @param string $salt The salt to use, null for random
* @param int $compute The iteration count (between 4 and 31)
* @throws \Exception
* @return string Hashed password
public function hash_bcrypt($clear, $salt = null, $compute = 10) {
if(!defined('CRYPT_BLOWFISH') || CRYPT_BLOWFISH != 1) {
throw new \Exception('This PHP installation has no bcrypt support');
if(is_null($salt)) {
if($compute < 4 || $compute > 31) $compute = 8;
$salt = '$2y$'.str_pad($compute, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).'$'.
return crypt($clear, $salt);
* Password hashing method SHA512
* This is only supported on PHP 5.3.2 or higher and will throw an exception if
* the needed crypt support is not available
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @param string $salt The salt to use, null for random
* @param string $magic The rounds for sha512 (for example "rounds=3000"), null for default value
* @return string Hashed password
* @throws \Exception
public function hash_sha512($clear, $salt = null, $magic = null) {
if(!defined('CRYPT_SHA512') || CRYPT_SHA512 != 1) {
throw new \Exception('This PHP installation has no SHA512 support');
$this->init_salt($salt, 8, false);
if(empty($magic)) {
return crypt($clear, '$6$'.$salt.'$');
return crypt($clear, '$6$'.$magic.'$'.$salt.'$');
* Password hashing method 'mediawiki'
* Uses salted MD5, this is referred to as Method B in MediaWiki docs. Unsalted md5
* method 'A' is not supported.
* @link http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual_talk:User_table#user_password_column
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @param string $salt The salt to use, null for random
* @return string Hashed password
public function hash_mediawiki($clear, $salt = null) {
$this->init_salt($salt, 8, false);
return ':B:'.$salt.':'.md5($salt.'-'.md5($clear));
* Password hashing method 'argon2i'
* Uses php's own password_hash function to create argon2i password hash
* Default Cost and thread options are used for now.
* @link https://www.php.net/manual/de/function.password-hash.php
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @return string Hashed password
public function hash_argon2i($clear) {
if(!defined('PASSWORD_ARGON2I')) {
throw new \Exception('This PHP installation has no ARGON2I support');
return password_hash($clear,PASSWORD_ARGON2I);
* Password hashing method 'argon2id'
* Uses php's own password_hash function to create argon2id password hash
* Default Cost and thread options are used for now.
* @link https://www.php.net/manual/de/function.password-hash.php
* @param string $clear The clear text to hash
* @return string Hashed password
public function hash_argon2id($clear) {
if(!defined('PASSWORD_ARGON2ID')) {
throw new \Exception('This PHP installation has no ARGON2ID support');
return password_hash($clear,PASSWORD_ARGON2ID);
* Wraps around native hash_hmac() or reimplents it
* This is not directly used as password hashing method, and thus isn't callable via the
* verify_hash() method. It should be used to create signatures and might be used in other
* password hashing methods.
* @see hash_hmac()
* @author KC Cloyd
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/function.hash-hmac.php#93440
* @param string $algo Name of selected hashing algorithm (i.e. "md5", "sha256", "haval160,4",
* etc..) See hash_algos() for a list of supported algorithms.
* @param string $data Message to be hashed.
* @param string $key Shared secret key used for generating the HMAC variant of the message digest.
* @param bool $raw_output When set to TRUE, outputs raw binary data. FALSE outputs lowercase hexits.
* @return string
public static function hmac($algo, $data, $key, $raw_output = false) {
// use native function if available and not in unit test
if(function_exists('hash_hmac') && !defined('SIMPLE_TEST')){
return hash_hmac($algo, $data, $key, $raw_output);
$algo = strtolower($algo);
$pack = 'H' . strlen($algo('test'));
$size = 64;
$opad = str_repeat(chr(0x5C), $size);
$ipad = str_repeat(chr(0x36), $size);
if(strlen($key) > $size) {
$key = str_pad(pack($pack, $algo($key)), $size, chr(0x00));
} else {
$key = str_pad($key, $size, chr(0x00));
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($key) - 1; $i++) {
$opad[$i] = $opad[$i] ^ $key[$i];
$ipad[$i] = $ipad[$i] ^ $key[$i];
$output = $algo($opad . pack($pack, $algo($ipad . $data)));
return ($raw_output) ? pack($pack, $output) : $output;
* Use a secure random generator
* @param int $min
* @param int $max
* @return int
protected function random($min, $max){
try {
return random_int($min, $max);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// availability of random source is checked elsewhere in DokuWiki
// we demote this to an unchecked runtime exception here
throw new \RuntimeException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e);