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* Class to safely store UTF-8 in a Filename
* Encodes a utf8 string using only the following characters 0-9a-z_.-%
* characters 0-9a-z in the original string are preserved, "plain".
* all other characters are represented in a substring that starts
* with '%' are "converted".
* The transition from converted substrings to plain characters is
* marked with a '.'
* @author Christopher Smith <>
* @date 2010-04-02
class SafeFN {
// 'safe' characters are a superset of $plain, $pre_indicator and $post_indicator
private static $plain = '-./[_0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; // these characters aren't converted
private static $pre_indicator = '%';
private static $post_indicator = ']';
* Convert an UTF-8 string to a safe ASCII String
* conversion process
* - if codepoint is a plain or post_indicator character,
* - if previous character was "converted", append post_indicator to output, clear "converted" flag
* - append ascii byte for character to output
* (continue to next character)
* - if codepoint is a pre_indicator character,
* - append ascii byte for character to output, set "converted" flag
* (continue to next character)
* (all remaining characters)
* - reduce codepoint value for non-printable ASCII characters (0x00 - 0x1f). Space becomes our zero.
* - convert reduced value to base36 (0-9a-z)
* - append $pre_indicator characater followed by base36 string to output, set converted flag
* (continue to next character)
* @param string $filename a utf8 string, should only include printable characters - not 0x00-0x1f
* @return string an encoded representation of $filename using only 'safe' ASCII characters
* @author Christopher Smith <>
public static function encode($filename) {
return self::unicodeToSafe(\dokuwiki\Utf8\Unicode::fromUtf8($filename));
* decoding process
* - split the string into substrings at any occurrence of pre or post indicator characters
* - check the first character of the substring
* - if its not a pre_indicator character
* - if previous character was converted, skip over post_indicator character
* - copy codepoint values of remaining characters to the output array
* - clear any converted flag
* (continue to next substring)
* _ else (its a pre_indicator character)
* - if string length is 1, copy the post_indicator character to the output array
* (continue to next substring)
* - else (string length > 1)
* - skip the pre-indicator character and convert remaining string from base36 to base10
* - increase codepoint value for non-printable ASCII characters (add 0x20)
* - append codepoint to output array
* (continue to next substring)
* @param string $filename a 'safe' encoded ASCII string,
* @return string decoded utf8 representation of $filename
* @author Christopher Smith <>
public static function decode($filename) {
return \dokuwiki\Utf8\Unicode::toUtf8(self::safeToUnicode(strtolower($filename)));
public static function validatePrintableUtf8($printable_utf8) {
return !preg_match('#[\x01-\x1f]#',$printable_utf8);
public static function validateSafe($safe) {
return !preg_match('#[^'.self::$plain.self::$post_indicator.self::$pre_indicator.']#',$safe);
* convert an array of unicode codepoints into 'safe_filename' format
* @param array int $unicode an array of unicode codepoints
* @return string the unicode represented in 'safe_filename' format
* @author Christopher Smith <>
private static function unicodeToSafe($unicode) {
$safe = '';
$converted = false;
foreach ($unicode as $codepoint) {
if ($codepoint < 127 && (strpos(self::$plain.self::$post_indicator,chr($codepoint))!==false)) {
if ($converted) {
$safe .= self::$post_indicator;
$converted = false;
$safe .= chr($codepoint);
} else if ($codepoint == ord(self::$pre_indicator)) {
$safe .= self::$pre_indicator;
$converted = true;
} else {
$safe .= self::$pre_indicator.base_convert((string)($codepoint-32),10,36);
$converted = true;
if($converted) $safe .= self::$post_indicator;
return $safe;
* convert a 'safe_filename' string into an array of unicode codepoints
* @param string $safe a filename in 'safe_filename' format
* @return array int an array of unicode codepoints
* @author Christopher Smith <>
private static function safeToUnicode($safe) {
$unicode = array();
$split = preg_split('#(?=['.self::$post_indicator.self::$pre_indicator.'])#',$safe,-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$converted = false;
foreach ($split as $sub) {
$len = strlen($sub);
if ($sub[0] != self::$pre_indicator) {
// plain (unconverted) characters, optionally starting with a post_indicator
// set initial value to skip any post_indicator
for ($i=($converted?1:0); $i < $len; $i++) {
$unicode[] = ord($sub[$i]);
$converted = false;
} else if ($len==1) {
// a pre_indicator character in the real data
$unicode[] = ord($sub);
$converted = true;
} else {
// a single codepoint in base36, adjusted for initial 32 non-printable chars
$unicode[] = 32 + (int)base_convert(substr($sub,1),36,10);
$converted = true;
return $unicode;