303 lines
9.5 KiB
303 lines
9.5 KiB
* Info Plugin: Displays information about various DokuWiki internals
* @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
* @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
* @author Esther Brunner <wikidesign@gmail.com>
class syntax_plugin_info extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin
* What kind of syntax are we?
public function getType()
return 'substition';
* What about paragraphs?
public function getPType()
return 'block';
* Where to sort in?
public function getSort()
return 155;
* Connect pattern to lexer
public function connectTo($mode)
$this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('~~INFO:\w+~~', $mode, 'plugin_info');
* Handle the match
* @param string $match The text matched by the patterns
* @param int $state The lexer state for the match
* @param int $pos The character position of the matched text
* @param Doku_Handler $handler The Doku_Handler object
* @return array Return an array with all data you want to use in render
public function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler)
$match = substr($match, 7, -2); //strip ~~INFO: from start and ~~ from end
return array(strtolower($match));
* Create output
* @param string $format string output format being rendered
* @param Doku_Renderer $renderer the current renderer object
* @param array $data data created by handler()
* @return boolean rendered correctly?
public function render($format, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data)
if ($format == 'xhtml') {
/** @var Doku_Renderer_xhtml $renderer */
//handle various info stuff
switch ($data[0]) {
case 'syntaxmodes':
$renderer->doc .= $this->renderSyntaxModes();
case 'syntaxtypes':
$renderer->doc .= $this->renderSyntaxTypes();
case 'syntaxplugins':
$this->renderPlugins('syntax', $renderer);
case 'adminplugins':
$this->renderPlugins('admin', $renderer);
case 'actionplugins':
$this->renderPlugins('action', $renderer);
case 'rendererplugins':
$this->renderPlugins('renderer', $renderer);
case 'helperplugins':
$this->renderPlugins('helper', $renderer);
case 'authplugins':
$this->renderPlugins('auth', $renderer);
case 'remoteplugins':
$this->renderPlugins('remote', $renderer);
case 'helpermethods':
case 'datetime':
$renderer->doc .= date('r');
$renderer->doc .= "no info about ".htmlspecialchars($data[0]);
return true;
return false;
* list all installed plugins
* uses some of the original renderer methods
* @param string $type
* @param Doku_Renderer_xhtml $renderer
protected function renderPlugins($type, Doku_Renderer_xhtml $renderer)
global $lang;
$renderer->doc .= '<ul>';
$plugins = plugin_list($type);
$plginfo = array();
// remove subparts
foreach ($plugins as $p) {
if (!$po = plugin_load($type, $p)) continue;
list($name,/* $part */) = explode('_', $p, 2);
$plginfo[$name] = $po->getInfo();
// list them
foreach ($plginfo as $info) {
$renderer->doc .= '<li><div class="li">';
$renderer->externallink($info['url'], $info['name']);
$renderer->doc .= ' ';
$renderer->doc .= '<em>'.$info['date'].'</em>';
$renderer->doc .= ' ';
$renderer->doc .= $lang['by'];
$renderer->doc .= ' ';
$renderer->emaillink($info['email'], $info['author']);
$renderer->doc .= '<br />';
$renderer->doc .= strtr(hsc($info['desc']), array("\n"=>"<br />"));
$renderer->doc .= '</div></li>';
$renderer->doc .= '</ul>';
* list all installed plugins
* uses some of the original renderer methods
* @param Doku_Renderer_xhtml $renderer
protected function renderHelperMethods(Doku_Renderer_xhtml $renderer)
$plugins = plugin_list('helper');
foreach ($plugins as $p) {
if (!$po = plugin_load('helper', $p)) continue;
if (!method_exists($po, 'getMethods')) continue;
$methods = $po->getMethods();
$info = $po->getInfo();
$hid = $this->addToToc($info['name'], 2, $renderer);
$doc = '<h2><a name="'.$hid.'" id="'.$hid.'">'.hsc($info['name']).'</a></h2>';
$doc .= '<div class="level2">';
$doc .= '<p>'.strtr(hsc($info['desc']), array("\n"=>"<br />")).'</p>';
$doc .= '<pre class="code">$'.$p." = plugin_load('helper', '".$p."');</pre>";
$doc .= '</div>';
foreach ($methods as $method) {
$title = '$'.$p.'->'.$method['name'].'()';
$hid = $this->addToToc($title, 3, $renderer);
$doc .= '<h3><a name="'.$hid.'" id="'.$hid.'">'.hsc($title).'</a></h3>';
$doc .= '<div class="level3">';
$doc .= '<div class="table"><table class="inline"><tbody>';
$doc .= '<tr><th>Description</th><td colspan="2">'.$method['desc'].
if ($method['params']) {
$c = count($method['params']);
$doc .= '<tr><th rowspan="'.$c.'">Parameters</th><td>';
$params = array();
foreach ($method['params'] as $desc => $type) {
$params[] = hsc($desc).'</td><td>'.hsc($type);
$doc .= join('</td></tr><tr><td>', $params).'</td></tr>';
if ($method['return']) {
$doc .= '<tr><th>Return value</th><td>'.hsc(key($method['return'])).
$doc .= '</tbody></table></div>';
$doc .= '</div>';
$renderer->doc .= $doc;
* lists all known syntax types and their registered modes
* @return string
protected function renderSyntaxTypes()
$doc = '';
$doc .= '<div class="table"><table class="inline"><tbody>';
foreach ($PARSER_MODES as $mode => $modes) {
$doc .= '<tr>';
$doc .= '<td class="leftalign">';
$doc .= $mode;
$doc .= '</td>';
$doc .= '<td class="leftalign">';
$doc .= join(', ', $modes);
$doc .= '</td>';
$doc .= '</tr>';
$doc .= '</tbody></table></div>';
return $doc;
* lists all known syntax modes and their sorting value
* @return string
protected function renderSyntaxModes()
$modes = p_get_parsermodes();
$compactmodes = array();
foreach ($modes as $mode) {
$compactmodes[$mode['sort']][] = $mode['mode'];
$doc = '';
$doc .= '<div class="table"><table class="inline"><tbody>';
foreach ($compactmodes as $sort => $modes) {
$rowspan = '';
if (count($modes) > 1) {
$rowspan = ' rowspan="'.count($modes).'"';
foreach ($modes as $index => $mode) {
$doc .= '<tr>';
$doc .= '<td class="leftalign">';
$doc .= $mode;
$doc .= '</td>';
if ($index === 0) {
$doc .= '<td class="rightalign" '.$rowspan.'>';
$doc .= $sort;
$doc .= '</td>';
$doc .= '</tr>';
$doc .= '</tbody></table></div>';
return $doc;
* Adds a TOC item
* @param string $text
* @param int $level
* @param Doku_Renderer_xhtml $renderer
* @return string
protected function addToToc($text, $level, Doku_Renderer_xhtml $renderer)
global $conf;
$hid = '';
if (($level >= $conf['toptoclevel']) && ($level <= $conf['maxtoclevel'])) {
$hid = $renderer->_headerToLink($text, true);
$renderer->toc[] = array(
'hid' => $hid,
'title' => $text,
'type' => 'ul',
'level' => $level - $conf['toptoclevel'] + 1
return $hid;
//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=4 :