module.exports = (client, int) => { if (!int.isButton()) return; const queue = player.getQueue(int.guildId); switch (int.customId) { case 'saveTrack': { if (!queue || !queue.playing) return int.reply({ content: `No music currently playing... try again ? ❌`, ephemeral: true, components: [] }); int.member.send(`You saved the track ${queue.current.title} | ${} from the server ${} ✅`).then(() => { return int.reply({ content: `I have sent you the title of the music by private messages ✅`, ephemeral: true, components: [] }); }).catch(error => { return int.reply({ content: `Unable to send you a private message... try again ? ❌`, ephemeral: true, components: [] }); }); } } };