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2022-04-17 02:52:27 +02:00
"noDiscordToken": "No discord authentication token has been provided.",
"noTwitchClientID": "No Twitch client ID token has been provided.",
"includeTwitchClientSecret": "If you're updating from a previous version, please make sure field 'twitch.clientSecret' exists in settings.js.",
"noTwitchClientSecret": "No Twitch client secret has been provided.",
"createdDataJSON": "Created data.json.",
"usingExistingToken": "Using existing token. Token expires on %s.",
"missmatchToken": "Client ID missmatched with Twitch token secret, refreshing token!",
"invalidTokenResponse": "Invalid response, refreshing token!",
"wroteTokenToDisk": "Wrote token to disk. NOTE: DO NOT SHARE token.json WITH ANYONE.",
"genericTokenError": "Something went wrong trying to get Twitch OAuth token, verify your client id & secret in settings.js!",
"genericDataJSONErrorRetry": "Something is up with your data.json file! Retrying in 1 minute...",
"disconnectedDiscord": "Seems Discord is disconnected. Not checking for Twitch streams. Retrying in 3 seconds...",
"noTwitchChannels": "No Twitch channels. Add some!",
"announcedStreams": "Successfully announced all streams.",
"throttledByTwitch": "Throttled by Twitch! Increase timer in settings.js and restart!",
"twitchThrottleMessage": "\nTwitch throttle message: %s",
"streamStarted": "Stream started ",
"unknownGame": "unknown game",
"inGuild": "in guild ",
"announcedInOverAtGuild": "Announced %s in %s over at guild %s",
"announcementChannelDoesNotExist": "Could not announce. Announcement channel, %s does not exist over at guild %s",
"addedGuild": "Added guild to list!",
"removedGuild": "Removed a guild from list!",
"loggedIntoDiscord": "Logged into Discord.",
"activityHasBeenSet": "Activity has been set.",
"reconnectingToDiscord": "Reconnecting to Discord...",
"reconnectedToDiscord": "Reconnected to Discord. All functional.",
"includeCooldownTimerWarning": "A recent update has introduced a cooldown for every announcement, to reduce spam during 'IRL streams', please add 'cooldownTimer: 21600000,' in your settings.json file. Using 6 hour cooldown for now.",
"twitchError": "Something happened with your Twitch request: %1",
"commands": {
"help": {
"triggers": ["help", "h"],
"helpText": "`%1help <command>` (Replace <command> with a command to get help with a specific command.)",
"availableCommands": "Available commands",
"message": "**Help commands:** "
"uptime": {
"triggers": ["uptime", "timeup", "online"],
"helpText": "`%1uptime` (Shows bot uptime.)",
"message": "Been online for",
"hoursComma": "hours,",
"minutesAnd": "minutes and",
"seconds": "seconds",
"onlineSince": "Online since"
"add": {
"triggers": ["add", "+"],
"helpText": "%1 `%2add Streamer_Name` (Adds a Twitch stream to the announcer.)",
"gameInfoName": "(DEMO) Game name goes here",
"streamInfoTitle": "(DEMO) Stream title goes here",
"streamInfoType": "(DEMO) LIVE/VOD/RERUN...",
"alreadyExists": "already exists!",
"message": "added to announcer.",
"addAnnouncementChannel": "Don't forget to add announcement channel with `!channel #channelName`.",
"doesNotExist": " doesn't exist!"
"remove": {
"triggers": ["rem", "remove", "-", "del", "delete"],
"helpText": "%1 `%2remove Streamer_Name` (Removes a Twitch stream from the announcer.)",
"doesNotExist": "doesn't exist!",
"message": "removed streamer from announcer."
"channel": {
"triggers": ["ch", "chn", "channel"],
"helpText": "%1 `%2channel #%3` or %1 `%2channel %4` (**Required!** Text channel for announcements.)",
"message": "changed announcement channel.",
"noPermissionsForChannel": "can not post in that channel. Change permissions, or choose another channel."
"operator": {
"triggers": ["op", "operator"],
"helpText": "%1 `%2operator <@%3>` (Toggle operator.)",
"message": "%1 operator.",
"noPermission": "Only guild owner can add and remove operators."
"reaction": {
"triggers": ["react", "reaction"],
"helpText": "%1 `%2reaction 👍` (Toggles a reaction on the announcement message.)",
"message": "%1 reaction."
"timezone": {
"triggers": ["tz", "timezone"],
"helpText": "%1 `%2timezone sv-SE Europe/Stockholm` (Check __IANA BCP 47 Subtag registry__ <> & __IETF RFC 5646__ <> for locale tags and __IANA Time Zone Database__ <> & __Wikipedia__ <> for timezones.)",
"message": "Time will now be displayed as: %1"
"message": {
"triggers": ["msg", "message"],
"helpText": "%1 `%2message <streamerName> @everyone %name% **%status%**, with **%game%**: *%title%*` (Change stream announcement message. If *<streamerName>* is filled out, it will change that streamer's announcement message. Make sure to remove the `<>`. Supports *%name%* for streamer's name, *%status%* for type of stream (VOD, LIVE, RERUN), *%game%* for game title and *%title%* for stream title, *%link%* for twitch link.)",
"message": "Changed announcement message.",
"messageStreamer": "Changed announcement message for streamer %1."
"prefix": {
"triggers": ["pfx", "prefix"],
"helpText": "%1 `%2prefix !` (Changes the bot's command prefix.)",
"message": "Prefix is now `%1`."
"language": {
"triggers": ["lang", "language"],
"helpText": "%1 `%2language english` (Changes the bot's language.)\n**Available languages:** %3",
"languageDoesNotExit": "That language does not exist!\n**Available languages:** %1",
"message": "Changed the language to `%1`!"
"announcementChannel": {
"triggers": ["ac", "announcementchannel"],
"helpText": "%1 `%2announcementchannel Streamer_Name #%3` or %1 `%2announcementchannel Streamer_Name %4` (Changes announcement channel for specified streamer.)",
"message": "changed announcement channel for streamer.",
"noPermissionsForChannel": "can not post in that channel. Change permissions, or choose another channel.",
"streamerDoesNotExist": "streamer doesn't exist!",
"announcementChannel": "%1's announcement channel is %2"
"streamers": {
"triggers": ["streamers", "list"],
"helpText": "Shows list of added streamers.",
"message": "**List of added streamers:** \n%1"
"example": "(Example)",
"added": "added",
"removed": "removed"