module.exports = { timer: 61000, // Is in milliseconds. Default: 61000 ms = 1 minute & 1 second. cooldownTimer: 30000, // Is in milliseconds. Default: 21600000 ms = 6 hours. language: 'english', // Default language 'english'. Other languages available in `i18n` folder. twitch: { clientID: 'r7zobqjvefa1w6tcc3pkwwyodybnem', // Make a Twitch application at clientSecret: 'a7ukm2aicz99pmwlx6f544vjjc3cmz' // }, discord: { defaultPrefix: '!', token: 'ODkxODAyMjQ5Njk5OTQ2NTk4.YVDpkQ.UeZgGIgp0gv4WHg72jPRJ37WjLU', // permissionForCommands: 'MANAGE_ROLES', // message: '@everyone', // The default text on announcement, before the url and stream type. Can be changed with !message command. Default: '@everyone' = '@everyone LIVE!' activity: ['PLAYING', 'Créer par Lantium#9402 !' ] // Status, second entry in array is your custom activity text. If second or first entry is empty, no custom activity will be displayed. /** First entry in the above array can only be the following, and will default to 'PLAYING'. * PLAYING * STREAMING * LISTENING * WATCHING */ } } /** * Example invite link for bot * */