Twitch annonceur Discord via API Kraken
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2022-04-17 02:52:27 +02:00
i18n Initial commit 2022-04-17 02:52:27 +02:00
.nvmrc Initial commit 2022-04-17 02:52:27 +02:00
app.js Initial commit 2022-04-17 02:52:27 +02:00
data.json Initial commit 2022-04-17 02:52:27 +02:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2022-04-17 02:52:27 +02:00
package-lock.json Initial commit 2022-04-17 02:52:27 +02:00
package.json Initial commit 2022-04-17 02:52:27 +02:00 Initial commit 2022-04-17 02:52:27 +02:00
settings.js Initial commit 2022-04-17 02:52:27 +02:00
token.json Initial commit 2022-04-17 02:52:27 +02:00


Announces when Twitch channels go live, in Discord

Updating from 2.x to 3.x

  1. Update your NodeJS version to 12.16.3 or a later version! (Tested on 12.16.3 and 14.1.0)
  2. Please run npm install again to update libraries and dependencies!
  3. Please add twitch.clientSecret to settings.js file.
  4. Please do not share your settings.js file and the new token.json file. They both include secrets that allow other people to use your authentications.

5 Step Setup

  1. Get NodeJS, v12.x.x or newer (Tested & Works on v12.16.3).
  2. Git clone or download this repository and then change to the directory in your console/terminal.
  3. Type npm install in your console/terminal and wait for dependencies to download and install successfully.
  4. Open up settings.js with any text program:
module.exports = {
  timer: 61000, // Is in milliseconds. Default: 61000 ms = 1 minute & 1 second.
  cooldownTimer: 21600000, // Is in milliseconds. Default: 21600000 ms = 6 hours.
  language: 'english', // Default language 'english'. Other languages available in `i18n` folder.
  twitch: {
    clientID: '', // Make a Twitch application at
    clientSecret: '' //
  discord: {
    defaultPrefix: '!',
    token: '', //
    permissionForCommands: 'MANAGE_ROLES', //
    message: '@everyone', // The default text on announcement, before the url and stream type. Can be changed with !message command. Default: '@everyone' = '@everyone LIVE!'
    activity: ['LISTENING', 'Twitch API.'] // Status, second entry in array is your custom activity text. If second or first entry is empty, no custom activity will be displayed.
    /** First entry in the above array can only be the following, and will default to 'PLAYING'.
     * PLAYING
  1. Change the fields accordingly. (Fields twitch.clientID, twitch.clientSecret & discord.token must have a value, otherwise program will error.)

Type node app.js in your console/terminal to run program.

After you've started the announcer, invite the bot and go to your discord channel.


Available commands:

  • !help
  • !uptime
  • !streamers
  • (Example) !timezone sv-SE Europe/Stockholm Check IANA BCP 47 Subtag registry & IETF RFC 5646 for locale tags and IANA Time Zone Database or Wikipedia for timezones.
  • (Example) !channel #general
    • (Example) !channel 000000000000000000
  • (Example) !operator @User_Name
  • (Example) !add Streamer_Name
  • (Example) !remove Streamer_Name
  • (Example) !reaction 👍
  • (Example) !message <streamerName> @here %name% is **%status%** streaming, **%game%**: *%title%* %link%
    • %name% Streamer's name
    • %status% VOD / LIVE / RERUN?
    • %game% Game name
    • %title% Stream title
    • %link% Twitch link
  • (Example) !prefix #
  • (Example) !language english Check i18n folder for available languages.
  • (Example) !announcementchannel Streamer_Name 000000000000000000


Fork project & Send a pull request. Use eslint, thanks.

License MIT