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2022-04-17 02:52:27 +02:00
# DiscordTwitchAnnouncer
## Announces when Twitch channels go live, in Discord
### Updating from 2.x to 3.x
1. Update your NodeJS version to 12.16.3 or a later version! **(Tested on 12.16.3 and 14.1.0)**
2. Please run `npm install` again to update libraries and dependencies!
3. Please add `twitch.clientSecret` to `settings.js` file.
4. **Please do not share** your `settings.js` file and the new `token.json` file. They both include secrets that allow other people to use your authentications.
### 5 Step Setup
1. Get NodeJS, v12.x.x or newer **(Tested & Works on v12.16.3)**.
2. Git clone or download this repository and then change to the directory in your console/terminal.
3. Type `npm install` in your console/terminal and wait for dependencies to download and install successfully.
4. Open up `settings.js` with any text program:
module.exports = {
timer: 61000, // Is in milliseconds. Default: 61000 ms = 1 minute & 1 second.
cooldownTimer: 21600000, // Is in milliseconds. Default: 21600000 ms = 6 hours.
language: 'english', // Default language 'english'. Other languages available in `i18n` folder.
twitch: {
clientID: '', // Make a Twitch application at
clientSecret: '' //
discord: {
defaultPrefix: '!',
token: '', //
permissionForCommands: 'MANAGE_ROLES', //
message: '@everyone', // The default text on announcement, before the url and stream type. Can be changed with !message command. Default: '@everyone' = '@everyone LIVE!'
activity: ['LISTENING', 'Twitch API.'] // Status, second entry in array is your custom activity text. If second or first entry is empty, no custom activity will be displayed.
/** First entry in the above array can only be the following, and will default to 'PLAYING'.
5. Change the fields accordingly. *(Fields `twitch.clientID`, `twitch.clientSecret` & `discord.token` must have a value, otherwise program will error.)*
**Type `node app.js` in your console/terminal to run program.**
After you've started the announcer, invite the bot and go to your discord channel.
#### Commands
Available commands:
* `!help`
* `!uptime`
* `!streamers`
* (Example) `!timezone sv-SE Europe/Stockholm` Check [IANA BCP 47 Subtag registry]( & [IETF RFC 5646]( for locale tags and [IANA Time Zone Database]( or [Wikipedia]( for timezones.
* (Example) `!channel #general`
* (Example) `!channel 000000000000000000`
* (Example) `!operator @User_Name`
* (Example) `!add Streamer_Name`
* (Example) `!remove Streamer_Name`
* (Example) `!reaction 👍`
* (Example) `!message <streamerName> @here %name% is **%status%** streaming, **%game%**: *%title%* %link%`
* `%name%` Streamer's name
* `%status%` VOD / LIVE / RERUN?
* `%game%` Game name
* `%title%` Stream title
* `%link%` Twitch link
* (Example) `!prefix #`
* (Example) `!language english` Check i18n folder for available languages.
* (Example) `!announcementchannel Streamer_Name 000000000000000000`
### Contributing
Fork project & Send a pull request. Use eslint, thanks.
### License MIT